YR5 – Monologues

YR5 – Monologues

For the last two weeks, Denim and Sapphire have been working on Monologues. To link with our Theme topic of TransAtlantic Travel and the Titanic, we were writing from either the Captain, a father/mother or a child’s perspective of how they would feel as the...
YR5 – Science

YR5 – Science

Last week, we predicted and planned an experiment involving what type of material makes the best thermal insulators. This week we were lucky enough to conduct that experiment! We used felt, bubble wrap, aluminium foil and left one beaker without a thermal insulator...
Who is your leader?

Who is your leader?

Today in RE we discussed who we follow and what makes them a good leader. We made links with the Prophet Muhammed (PBUH) who to Muslims is a person who heard the word of Allah and shared it with the whole community. He was a leader of religion, but he also made...
Cadbury World

Cadbury World

Year 2 had a wonderful time at Cadbury World today. We were able top apply all of our learning in the classroom to help us understand the history behind the company. We really enjoyed the interactive workshop, 4-D cinema, ride, playground, chocolate writing and of...
Severn Trent Water – Year 4

Severn Trent Water – Year 4

On Monday 26th February, Year 4 enjoyed a workshop with Chris from Severn Trent Water.  We have started our topic about rivers and this workshop was all about how water from our rivers in cleaned and treated, making it safe for us to use.  We also learned about sewage...