

Just because SATs are over doesn’t mean we’ll stop working our brains! Year 6 were challenged to tesselate 12 pentominoes into a rectangle – it’s harder than in looks. After hours of perseverance (and a few breaks), they did it!

Newsletter – 20th May 24

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Crossword Challenge!

Crossword Challenge!

We all love a challenge in Year One and especially one that involves spelling and crosswords! One of our Discovery Tasks during Phonics time was to spell some of our Year One tricky words by fitting them into a crossword. We had the words on cards to support us if we...

YR5 – Black Country Museum

On Friday, Denim and Sapphire were lucky enough to go to the Black Country Living Museum in line with their topic of the Victorians. We went into the different shops such as the hardware store, played with the Victorian toys, bought some sweets, went into the...
Pre-School have chicks!

Pre-School have chicks!

This week we are really lucky to have living eggs in pre-school.  On Monday we had 10 eggs delivered and so far 3 chicks have hatched out.  We have been learning how to look after the chicks and talking about how they grow.  We are very excited to see if any more...