Newsletter – 30th September 24

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Nature and Art

Nature and Art

We have been learning about the artist Andy Goldsworthy as this links to our Theme of ‘Into the Woods’ because he uses natural materials to create beautiful and inspiring art. Our first lesson was spent looking at examples of his creations and discussing...
Autumnal Activities in Reception!

Autumnal Activities in Reception!

This week in Reception, we have been taking part in various, exciting Autumnal activities! We learn about each season as it comes and the changes we may see and feel happening around us in our outdoor environment such as: what happens to the leaves on the trees; the...
Mark Making Magic

Mark Making Magic

This week, Year One are focusing on improving our handwriting and ensuring we can hold our pencils effectively when writing or drawing. We need to make sure we have strong muscles on our fingers and one of the best ways to do this is to use small implements to copy...

Newsletter – 13th September 24

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