Airport Adventures

Mrs R Taylor

Jun 5, 2024

5th June 2024

Year One spent a day travelling to India as part of our Theme learning. We came dressed in our holiday clothes ready to hit the beach!

Upon arrival at the airport, we had to make our own passport and understand why we need these to allow us to travel all over the world. We also talked about how important it is to have a boarding card to make sure we board the right flight. After walking through security and passing our bags through the scanner, we were taken to board the plane. Mrs Taylor demonstrated a safety announcement like the ones we would receive on board and then we took off for our 8 hour flight.

In the afternoon, Miss Perry showed us photos of her trip to India and acted as our tour guide before we completed activities based on the country such as drawing the Taj Mahal or completing a word search.

It was a brilliant way to celebrate our learning and we really enjoyed spending time together as a year group completing such fun activities.


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