Using plasticine to join!

Using plasticine to join!

Last week, we focused our work on the book, ‘Stickman’ by Julia Donaldson. In the Malleable Area we had plasticine! We used the plasticine to join items together to make our very own Stickman! We had resources to choose from including: sticks and leaves we gathered...
Habitats and Hibernation!

Habitats and Hibernation!

In Reception, we have learned all about ‘habitats’ and ‘hibernation’. We discussed what we think it meant before doing some learning to understand what it actually means. We learned about various animals who hibernate during the Winter months...
Autumnal Activities in Reception!

Autumnal Activities in Reception!

This week in Reception, we have been taking part in various, exciting Autumnal activities! We learn about each season as it comes and the changes we may see and feel happening around us in our outdoor environment such as: what happens to the leaves on the trees; the...
First Day of Reception!

First Day of Reception!

What a wonderful first day we have had here in Reception! All children came into Perryfields Primary School looking extremely well-presented with their uniforms on all suited and booted. We have had lots of fun in the different areas of learning already including (but...
NHS Hands and Teeth Talk

NHS Hands and Teeth Talk

Reception had special visitors today from the NHS who told us all about how to keep our hands clean and look after our teeth! We learned the correct process of washing our hands; how long to wash them for; when to wash our hands; and what happens if we don’t....