Autumnal Activities in Reception!


Sep 24, 2024

24th September 2024

This week in Reception, we have been taking part in various, exciting Autumnal activities! We learn about each season as it comes and the changes we may see and feel happening around us in our outdoor environment such as: what happens to the leaves on the trees; the changes in the temperature and weather; what clothing is more suitable; and what some animals do in preparation for Autumn and Winter.

Below are some pictures of our ‘Transient Art’ we created using natural loose parts. We created various pictures such as: self portraits, animals and flowers…

We went on a nature walk and checked off the things we could see in our Forest School and field…

We then used the leaves we found to create leaf rubbings and leaf printings using Autumnal colours which we identified last week…

We have had so much fun taking part in these activities and then continuing to take part in these activities independently during our Discovery Time at school! Ask your children about Autumn at home and what changes they have seen occurring outside. Can you go on a nature walk and collect natural resources to use in arts and crafts? Feel free to send your child in with some natural resources they have found which they can show their friends and teachers and perhaps even use in their own play! Have fun!


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