Ruby Class Blog

Giraffes Can’t Dance

This week we have read the book called Giraffes Can’t Dance by Giles Andreae and Guy Parker-Rees. We all enjoyed the book and noticed that in the story there are rhyming words. We have learnt more about rhyming words through playing games together. During discovery...

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Using plasticine to join!

Using plasticine to join!

Last week, we focused our work on the book, ‘Stickman’ by Julia Donaldson. In the Malleable Area we had plasticine! We used the plasticine to join items together to make our very own Stickman! We had resources to choose from including: sticks and leaves we gathered...

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Another busy week in EYFS! This week in maths we have been learning about shapes. We have learnt to recognise and name shapes and we have found out how many sides different shapes have. We have used shapes to make pictures and we have searched for shapes in our...

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Habitats and Hibernation!

Habitats and Hibernation!

In Reception, we have learned all about 'habitats' and 'hibernation'. We discussed what we think it meant before doing some learning to understand what it actually means. We learned about various animals who hibernate during the Winter months to survive. We also...

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Goldilocks and the Three Bears

Goldilocks and the Three Bears

This week we have continued to read ‘Goldilocks and the Three Bears.’ The children have really impressed us when retelling the story. They have drawn and painted characters from the story and used their knowledge of phonics to label their pictures. The children...

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Magic Maths

Magic Maths

Year One have been looking at numbers to 10 as the first stage in our learning now we are in Key Stage 1. We have been thinking about different ways to represent numbers such as using cubes, Numicon or number cards. This has helped us to strengthen our understanding...

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International Day of Peace

International Day of Peace

Thank you to all the children who completed their homework for International Day of Peace. We had some wonderful contributions and explanations of what children believe peace is and how it can be achieved across the world. Here are a few examples:     Many...

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Goldilocks and the Three Bears

  In Reception this week, we have been looking at the story of 'Goldilocks and the Three Bears'. The children have thoroughly enjoyed listening to the story and taking part in activities associated with the story, including: following instructions to make...

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Autumnal Activities in Reception!

Autumnal Activities in Reception!

This week in Reception, we have been taking part in various, exciting Autumnal activities! We learn about each season as it comes and the changes we may see and feel happening around us in our outdoor environment such as: what happens to the leaves on the trees; the...

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Super Duper You!

Super Duper You!

Another busy week in EYFS! This week we have read the book Super Duper You by Sophy Henn.The children have talked about what they would like to do when they grow up and we have had so many different ideas from firefighters, police officers, bakers, refuse collectors...

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A Week in Reception

A Week in Reception

This week in Reception, we have been exploring lots of different areas of our classrooms and different activities that have been available to try! The water tray has been particularly popular, as well as the magnetic letters. The children have worked really hard to...

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First Day of Reception!

First Day of Reception!

What a wonderful first day we have had here in Reception! All children came into Perryfields Primary School looking extremely well-presented with their uniforms on all suited and booted. We have had lots of fun in the different areas of learning already including (but...

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Sports Day

Sports Day

Reception and Preschool had a wonderful sports day. We took part in running races, wheel barrow races and dressing up races. Our grown-ups joined in and were super competitive. We were glad the weather was just right and we had lots of fun.

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Forest School Visit

Forest School Visit

We loved our visit to the forest school. We searched for straw, sticks and bricks that the little pigs had left behind. We then toasted our own "smores" and gobbled them up as they were so delicious. We watched Mrs Harrison and Mrs Kayla Barrett safely light the fire...

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West Midlands Fire Service

West Midlands Fire Service

We have been learning about people who help us. Today, we had a visit from the West Midlands Fire Service. We all had a chance to see the fire engine, use a hose and sit in the truck. We were all very excited and listened carefully when the fire fighters were...

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NHS Hands and Teeth Talk

NHS Hands and Teeth Talk

Reception had special visitors today from the NHS who told us all about how to keep our hands clean and look after our teeth! We learned the correct process of washing our hands; how long to wash them for; when to wash our hands; and what happens if we don't. HANDS:...

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Art in Reception

Art in Reception

We have been learning about Lucien Rudaux. He was a French artist and astronomer, who created famous paintings of space in the 1920s and 1930s. We used pointillism and printing to create our own space pictures. We wanted to include the Earth and the stars in the...

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Splendid Snails

Splendid Snails

We have been fascinated with the snails that have been in our outdoor area this afternoon. We watched them carefully as they came out of their shell and moved across the leaf. We were very careful and tried to be quiet around them so they didn't get scared. We also...

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As part of our new Enrichment activities, Reception had a little go at learning some Bhangra dance moves. They followed the video well and also paid close attention when Mrs Kenth demonstrated the moves slower for us. Reception worked really hard to use their balance...

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Chinese New Year

Chinese New Year

Before half term we were celebrating Chinese New Year in Ruby Class. We dressed up as a dragon, practiced writing in Chinese and made our own Chinese Lanterns. We also tasted, touched and smelt pineapples and pomegranates. We preferred pineapple as this was sweeter...

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