Year 1 Marmalade Blog
Year 1 – A walk in the local area
Today we showed how street smart we were by walking safely across to the letterbox to post our Christmas cards. We completed a traffic survey just to see how busy this area really is. Well done to all Year One - we really impressed the adults with how we behaved!...
Number Bonds in Year One
This week we have started thinking about using our number bonds to 10 to help us write addition statements. Before we can work in our books, it is important that we understand the concept of number bonds being 2 numbers which add together to total a given amount....
Mastering Maths
Year One have been continuing to develop their Maths skills by comparing numbers using mathematical symbols to show more than and less than. To help us consolidate and make sure we fully grasp the concept, we built cube towers of differing amounts and then used the...
Y1 – Labelling Our Plants
Hello! Today in Year One, we had great fun on the big rolls of paper. We constructed a scientific diagram of a pant and its features. Well done us!
International Day of Peace
Thank you to all the children who completed their homework for International Day of Peace. We had some wonderful contributions and explanations of what children believe peace is and how it can be achieved across the world. Here are a few examples: Many...
Nature and Art
We have been learning about the artist Andy Goldsworthy as this links to our Theme of 'Into the Woods' because he uses natural materials to create beautiful and inspiring art. Our first lesson was spent looking at examples of his creations and discussing with our...
Mark Making Magic
This week, Year One are focusing on improving our handwriting and ensuring we can hold our pencils effectively when writing or drawing. We need to make sure we have strong muscles on our fingers and one of the best ways to do this is to use small implements to copy...
We are going paperless!
In order to reduce the amount of paper usage in school, we are moving towards a completely paperless system for communicating with parents/carers. Information regarding clubs, trips, events etc will now be sent exclusively via ParentMail with no letters sent home with...
Forest School Fun
To start our Theme of 'Into the Woods', we went into the forest area to create some art based on the book we will be reading- The Gruffalo. We had to use four sticks to create a frame, before looking for resources on the forest floor to create either the fox, the owl,...
First Week in Year One
We have welcomed new children into their Amber and Marmalade classes this week and we have been busy settling into our new rooms and new routines. Year One have been thinking about developing the skills we will need to shine this year, including our reading and maths...
Archery Time
To complete our amazing Olympic Week, we had a go at Archery. This was something we ALL enjoyed, using a bow and arrow to hit a target made us feel incredibly strong! We really had to concentrate on the skills we needed and listen to our instructor. We learned that if...
Olympic Art
To continue our Olympic Week, Year One have been learning about the artwork from a continent represented in the Games. Our continent was Oceania and we have been learning about Aboriginal Art and Dream Time stories. Aboriginal People are indigenous to Australia which...
Maths Magicians!
This week, we have looked at place value to 100. Now, using concrete resources, we able to partition numbers into tens and ones confidently. We can even use part-whole models to identify how many tens and ones there are.
Airport Adventures
Year One spent a day travelling to India as part of our Theme learning. We came dressed in our holiday clothes ready to hit the beach! Upon arrival at the airport, we had to make our own passport and understand why we need these to allow us to travel all over the...
Crossword Challenge!
We all love a challenge in Year One and especially one that involves spelling and crosswords! One of our Discovery Tasks during Phonics time was to spell some of our Year One tricky words by fitting them into a crossword. We had the words on cards to support us if we...
Flying High with our machines!
We have been busy developing our DT skills by designing our own flying machines. Year One have been learning about how planes have changed throughout history from Leonardo da Vinci's hand powered wooden machine to the Airbus we may have been on today. First we thought...
Attwell Farm Visit
On Tuesday 23rd April, Year One had an amazing day on Attwell Farm in Worcestershire. This was to celebrate our learning about the Farm in Spring in our Theme lessons. Once we had calmed down from the excitement of our coach ride, we split into two groups. One class...
Enrichment Afternoon
On Friday, Year One used our enrichment time to explore the continent of Africa. We used an atlas to explore key features such as the different countries, whether there are lots or rivers and to look at the size of the Sahara. In the afternoon, we spent time in each...
Dinosaur Creations
Today, Year One started a new unit of English learning about writing a set of instructions. First. we discussed what a set of instructions is and where we may have seen them before. We know that they might be on a game that we play to tell us how to play it, or maybe...
Drawing with Jim Field
This afternoon, Year One spent some time using our absorption and perseverance BLP muscles by following a 'draw with Jim Fields' video. We love the 'Oi Frog! book and Jim Field is the illustrator for this series of stories. Armed with a determination to do our very...
Learning about our food.
To help further our understanding of what farmers grow on their farms, we spent our English lesson developing our oracy skills with our partners. We had to sort fruit and vegetables into the correct groupings based on what we learned listening to and watching a video....