Year 2 Buttercups Blog

International Day of Peace

International Day of Peace

Thank you to all the children who completed their homework for International Day of Peace. We had some wonderful contributions and explanations of what children believe peace is and how it can be achieved across the world. Here are a few examples:     Many...

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We are going paperless!

In order to reduce the amount of paper usage in school, we are moving towards a completely paperless system for communicating with parents/carers. Information regarding clubs, trips, events etc will now be sent exclusively via ParentMail with no letters sent home with...

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Pirate Ships

Pirate Ships

For our enrichment day, Year 2 made pirate ships out of wood. We used saws for the first time to cut the wood to length. After that, we decorated our ships with paint. Then, we used glue to fix our pieces of wood together. The children really enjoyed themselves! Now,...

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Instructions – Jelly

Instructions – Jelly

In Year 2, we've been leanring about instructional texts. We thought that in order to write a set of instructions, we needed to have a go at making something first so we've made jelly! We choose different fruits and thought about the imperitive verbs we could use such...

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Cadbury World

Cadbury World

Year 2 had a wonderful time at Cadbury World today. We were able top apply all of our learning in the classroom to help us understand the history behind the company. We really enjoyed the interactive workshop, 4-D cinema, ride, playground, chocolate writing and of...

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