Year 3 Emerald Blog
Stone Age Day
We had a visit from an archaeologist as part of our Stone Age topic. He spent the day with us in Year 3 and we had great fun taking part in lots of interesting activities. We excavated artefacts from sand trays, made clay pots, tried to piece together...
International Day of Peace
Thank you to all the children who completed their homework for International Day of Peace. We had some wonderful contributions and explanations of what children believe peace is and how it can be achieved across the world. Here are a few examples: Many...
Year 3 Cave Paintings
In Year 3, we are learning all about the Stone Age. We have been learning about prehistoric art and cave paintings. Today we created our own cave paintings.
We are going paperless!
In order to reduce the amount of paper usage in school, we are moving towards a completely paperless system for communicating with parents/carers. Information regarding clubs, trips, events etc will now be sent exclusively via ParentMail with no letters sent home with...
Year 3 Forest
This week Year 3 went to our school forest for an afternoon of forest fun. We had to help Mrs Harrison find her cuddly toys who were hiding in the forest and then we built them a shelter to keep them dry and safe from the rain! After, we sat in the shelter and enjoyed...
First week of Year 3
Welcome back to the new Emerald and Willow classes! We have had a fantastic week and all children have settled back into school well. We have been revisiting our school rules and sharing our interests. We have also been estimating and measuring parts of our bodies...
Edgmond Hall
Our Own Shadow Obelisk
Today we have monitored how shadows change throughout the day. We have been learning about how ancient Egyptians used obelisks to tell the time. We have chosen our Obelisk and observed the changes from first thing in the morning to lunchtime and then at the end of our...
Canopic Jars
This afternoon, we looked at the Ancient Egyptian canopic jars. We discussed their importance and which jar contained which body organ and the significance of the jar lids. We then sketched our own jar lids and sculpted them in clay.
Egyptian Montage
We have been working hard using many different skills to create our Egyptian montage. We are very pleased with our final result. We sewed, tie dyed, stained and then combined it altogether.
Jackson Pollock Inspired Art
Jackson Pollock dripped paint onto large canvases on the floor. This way of painting was called action painting because Pollock would move very quickly across the painting, dribbling the paint in long, wobbly lines. Sometimes he threw the paint onto the canvas- and...
Watercolour Art
This week, we have been using watercolours to gain understanding of how to mix them and generate other colours and shades.
Sandwell School Nurse Visit
This Afternoon we had a visit from the school nurses. We went into the hall and learnt about healthy eating. We learnt which foods were high in sugar, how to manage portion sizes and all about the different food groups and what a balanced plate should contain. After...
Growing crops in Egypt
Y3 have been investigating the best conditions for seeds and plant to germinate and grow in. We have tested the red land and black land that lie on either side of the River Nile. The black land gets flooded each year in September and gets covered in nutrient rich...
Y2/3 Residential
We're all very excited about visiting the Edgmond Hall residential centre for an overnight stay in July! Please find attached the PowerPoint from this week's meeting. Edgmond Hall Parents
PSHE – Relationships
Today we have started our new topic in PSHE - relationships. We shared what we believe makes a healthy relationships and then we looked at a list of jobs. Using democracy we voted on whether we thought the job was a male job or a female job. We then discussed how the...
Emerald Class Enrichment Day
What a fantastic day! First, the children really impressed us with their knowledge of Birmingham. Then they set to work planning how they would create a Birmingham landmark using the materials available. The results were amazing with many representations of the...
Growing crops in Egypt
Y3 have been investigating the best conditions for seeds and plant to germinate and grow in. We have tested the red land and black land that lie on either side of the River Nile. The black land gets flooded each year in September and gets covered in nutrient rich...
Religious Education
We completed a mind map of what we have learnt about The Torah and why it is important to Jewish people
Science Week 2024 – Time
Today as part of Science week we have conducted an experiment. We were identifying if the temperature of the water affects the speed of how an item dissolves. We first gathered all our equipment together and then conducted the experiment. We used skittles, hot water,...
World Book Day
Today we have had a very exciting day celebrating world book day. We have all come to school dressed as our favourite book character. Well done Emerald Class, you look fantastic!