Year 4 Ocean Blog

Willow Pattern Art

Willow Pattern Art

This week we have looked at the Willow Pattern. We saw how delicate and intricate it is and watched a video on how it is created. We then imitated what we saw to create our own Willow pattern plates with an image from Pompeii. We were very pleased with our efforts....

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This week we have finally made our torches. We used plastic bottles and electrical components to bring our designs to life. We had several challenges which we had to overcome along the way and then SUCCESS! A fully working torch made by our own hands. What a fabulous...

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Today in Maths we have manipulated 10 sticky notes to create as many different shapes with an area of 10 as possible. We then transferred them into our Math book.  

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BBC Children in Need

BBC Children in Need

Today we have participated in raising money for the BBC Children in Need appeal 2024. We have looked into where the money goes and the good causes it helps. We have dressed in yellow and completed some Pudsey activities from the website. We have enjoyed our day.

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Anti Bullying Week 2024

Anti Bullying Week 2024

This week has been anti bullying week. In Ocean class we have discussed bullying, how people would feel if they are being bullied and looked at the roles of others in the group. We have used materials from anti bullying alliance and 1decision ltd. Afterwards we...

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New French Unit

New French Unit

This half term we have started our new French unit - food. We had great fun this afternoon repeating the types of food and then we played 'splat the food'. This was a game where we had images of the food, Mrs Millward said the food in French and we had to 'splat' the...

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Remembrance Day

Remembrance Day

Today in our PSHE lesson we learnt about the significance of Remembrance Day. We identified the importance of the date and time and what the soldiers gave up for their country. We also looked at the continued work of the Royal British Legion and how buying a poppy...

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Special Visitors

Special Visitors

Today in Ocean class we celebrated the end of quite a challenging week by completing several 'just dance' videos. We had a much needed blast of exercise and music complete with fun. We had 2 special visitors join us too 🙂 Can you spot them?

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Volcanic Dance

Volcanic Dance

Over the past weeks we have been developing a dance related to and expressing the Mount Vesuvius eruption back in 79AD. We used the music and connected our moves to express the eruption. We have all thoroughly enjoyed this unit and are extremely pleased and proud at...

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Electrical Circuits

Electrical Circuits

In Year 4 we have been creating electrical circuits. Explored incomplete and complete circuits and then challenged to generate more power to create a brighter lightbulb. We have also explored drawing diagrams with scientific symbols. Some children also incorporated a...

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Black History Month

Black History Month

This Year in Ocean and Sky class we have celebrated Yinka Shonibare. He is a British artist living in the United Kingdom. His work explores cultural identity, colonialism and post-colonialism within the contemporary context of globalisation. A hallmark of his art is...

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Wroxeter Trip

Wroxeter Trip

What an amazing day. We went to Wroxeter, the largest Roman town of it's time in Shropshire. Our guide Lucy was fantastic and answered all our questions fully. To think we were standing in the Roman baths from around 2000 years ago was a phenomenal thought.

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International Day of Peace

International Day of Peace

Thank you to all the children who completed their homework for International Day of Peace. We had some wonderful contributions and explanations of what children believe peace is and how it can be achieved across the world. Here are a few examples:     Many...

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Loudmouth Theatre Company

Loudmouth Theatre Company

This afternoon we had a visit in Year 4 from Loudmouth. They taught us about bullying and the things we need to do to keep stand up to bullies and keeping us safe. We also looked in more detail at cyberbullying and how we could help 'Mo' with his situation. The...

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History and Geography combined

History and Geography combined

This afternoon we thoroughly enjoyed the beginning of our Theme topic - The Romans. We looked at our school timeline before heading back to the classroom to use Atlases. We found Europe, Italy and finally Rome. We then learnt about key events in the emergence of the...

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We are going paperless!

In order to reduce the amount of paper usage in school, we are moving towards a completely paperless system for communicating with parents/carers. Information regarding clubs, trips, events etc will now be sent exclusively via ParentMail with no letters sent home with...

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What a delivery!!!

What a delivery!!!

The Chest In the school holidays an archaeologist delivered a wooden chest from Pompeii with relics in from Roman times. We were intrigued to see what was inside and to learn more about its’ origins. We retrieved our knowledge about nouns and could easily identify the...

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This week we have been learning our 3 and 6 times tables. Today we have used arrays to help us solve some multiplication sentences. Some of us in the class have been solving sentences beyond 12x.

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Year 4 DT

Year 4 DT

We have been practising our sewing skills in Year 4, as well as attaching fastenings. We originally designed book jackets, but we ended up making wallets with different fastenings and designs. We used backstitch to join the edges, attached a button, a press stud or...

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