Year 5 Sapphire Blog

Y5 crafting lesson

Y5 crafting lesson

Today, Sapphire Class followed instructions to cut out and fold a template to make a 3D model of a Viking long ship. Although they aren't finished yet, they look really good and have been made carefully and accurately.

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Viking Day!

Viking Day!

Last week, we had a visit from an archaeologist and a Viking. In the morning, we learnt all about the Vikings (information we had already learnt about and some that we didn't know): what they ate, how they spoke, what they wore, how they travelled to England and why...

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Remembrance Day

Year 5 completed some art work for remembrance day. First, we chose pictures that represented our thoughts and feelings. Then we cut these into strips and stuck them down with gaps. We finished by completing the spaces in the gaps with our own drawings. Here is some...

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Walter Tull

Walter Tull

Last week we researched and made posters about Walter Tull, to celebrate Black History Month. We found out lots of interesting facts: he was a soldier, a footballer (he played for Tottenham Hotspur), he grew up in an orphanage and lots more. Have a look at the link...

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Year 5 church visit

Year 5 church visit

This morning, year 5 walked to Christ Church as part of our RE lessons. We learnt about different Christian artefacts and parts of the church, such as a lectern, a font, a pulpit an altar, pews and the cross. We looked at the holy bible and different hymns. The...

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International Day of Peace

International Day of Peace

Thank you to all the children who completed their homework for International Day of Peace. We had some wonderful contributions and explanations of what children believe peace is and how it can be achieved across the world. Here are a few examples:     Many...

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E safety

E safety

We have been talking about e-safety and recapping the SMART rules. Here are some of our posters to remind us what each letter represents. S - safe M - meeting A -accepting R - reliable T - tell   We know how to keep ourselves safe online and what we can if we...

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As part of our history lessons, we have been discussing chronology. One of our tasks this week was to put events in chronological order.  It is important to understand when important events in history happened and if they were before or after other events. We will be...

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We are going paperless!

In order to reduce the amount of paper usage in school, we are moving towards a completely paperless system for communicating with parents/carers. Information regarding clubs, trips, events etc will now be sent exclusively via ParentMail with no letters sent home with...

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Barnabus Project

Barnabus Project

We have been reading the Barnabus project in year 5.  The children have been involved in discussions and debates about what acceptance, freedom, tolerance and failure mean to them. Here are some of their responses. We also made links to our British Values and why...

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Flight Day

Flight Day

Last week, Year 5 went over to Perryfields Academy for their Flight week. This is to show how Year 5 will soon be 'flying' to Highschool. We learnt about lots of birds of prey and had the opportunity to make paper aeroplanes in mathematics and understand they link to...

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Pablo Picasso, Line Drawings

Pablo Picasso, Line Drawings

This week is Sports Week are we are taking part in many sports and Olympic Themed subjects. In Art, we were given a continent and an artist from that Continent. Yesterday, we looked at Pablo Picasso, Europe: learning about his background, childhood, cubism and line...

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Plant Dissecting

Plant Dissecting

Yesterday, Year 5 dissected some plants to use our scientific skills of observing closely and asking questions effectively. We then planted our basil and chive seeds and hopefully as they grow in class, at the end of term we can take them home!  

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YR5 – Black Country Museum

On Friday, Denim and Sapphire were lucky enough to go to the Black Country Living Museum in line with their topic of the Victorians. We went into the different shops such as the hardware store, played with the Victorian toys, bought some sweets, went into the...

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YR5 – Art morning

This morning, Denim and Sapphire have had an amazing art morning. We have recently looked at the artist William Morris and have recreated some of his designs by drawing repeated patterns, we have looked at block printing and mono-printing and sketched some of the...

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Year 5 Enrichment day!

Today we have had a fantastic enrichment day. We have been extremely creative and turned recycling junk in to amazing models! This term our theme is The Victorians so we have been creating Victorian themed models. For example, we have created Victorian houses and...

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YR5 – French

We have begun our new French topic weather - yesterday we described the weather outside and learnt the French terms for the different types of weathers. We are looking forward to presenting a weather forecast at the end of term. Look at our work and what we learnt so...

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