by J.Reader | Nov 28, 2024 | Poppy, Ruby
This week we have read the book called Giraffes Can’t Dance by Giles Andreae and Guy Parker-Rees. We all enjoyed the book and noticed that in the story there are rhyming words. We have learnt more about rhyming words through playing games together. During discovery...
by kclulow | Nov 26, 2024 | Poppy, Ruby
Last week, we focused our work on the book, ‘Stickman’ by Julia Donaldson. In the Malleable Area we had plasticine! We used the plasticine to join items together to make our very own Stickman! We had resources to choose from including: sticks and leaves we gathered...
by J.Reader | Nov 8, 2024 | Poppy, Ruby
Another busy week in EYFS! This week in maths we have been learning about shapes. We have learnt to recognise and name shapes and we have found out how many sides different shapes have. We have used shapes to make pictures and we have searched for shapes in our...
by kclulow | Oct 15, 2024 | Poppy, Ruby
In Reception, we have learned all about ‘habitats’ and ‘hibernation’. We discussed what we think it meant before doing some learning to understand what it actually means. We learned about various animals who hibernate during the Winter months...
by J.Reader | Oct 11, 2024 | Poppy, Ruby
This week we have continued to read ‘Goldilocks and the Three Bears.’ The children have really impressed us when retelling the story. They have drawn and painted characters from the story and used their knowledge of phonics to label their pictures. The children...
by Mrs R Taylor | Oct 8, 2024 | Poppy, Ruby
Year One have been looking at numbers to 10 as the first stage in our learning now we are in Key Stage 1. We have been thinking about different ways to represent numbers such as using cubes, Numicon or number cards. This has helped us to strengthen our understanding...
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