Stone Age Day

Stone Age Day

    We had a visit from an archaeologist as part of our Stone Age topic.  He spent the day with us in Year 3 and we had great fun taking part in lots of interesting activities. We excavated artefacts from sand trays, made clay pots, tried to piece together...
International Day of Peace

International Day of Peace

Thank you to all the children who completed their homework for International Day of Peace. We had some wonderful contributions and explanations of what children believe peace is and how it can be achieved across the world. Here are a few examples:     Many...

We are going paperless!

In order to reduce the amount of paper usage in school, we are moving towards a completely paperless system for communicating with parents/carers. Information regarding clubs, trips, events etc will now be sent exclusively via ParentMail with no letters sent home with...
First week of Year 3

First week of Year 3

Welcome back to the new Emerald and Willow classes! We have had a fantastic week and all children have settled back into school well. We have been revisiting our school rules and sharing our interests. We have also been estimating and measuring parts of our bodies...