Super Safeside Trip!

Super Safeside Trip!

Yesterday, Denim and Sapphire had a lovely day visiting Safeside at the West Midlands Fire Station. We had an important but fun-filled day, learning all about safety in different scenarios: on a bus, on a train, in an alleyway, in the car, by a canal, on ice, in the...
NSPCC Numbers Day in Y5

NSPCC Numbers Day in Y5

For NSPCC numbers day, Y5 based their activities on Grandma’s shopping basket but instead of the supermarket, we shopped around the world. The children drew a world map and researched items and currency from different countries. They then wrote a maths problem...
Y5 crafting lesson

Y5 crafting lesson

Today, Sapphire Class followed instructions to cut out and fold a template to make a 3D model of a Viking long ship. Although they aren’t finished yet, they look really good and have been made carefully and accurately.
Viking Day!

Viking Day!

Last week, we had a visit from an archaeologist and a Viking. In the morning, we learnt all about the Vikings (information we had already learnt about and some that we didn’t know): what they ate, how they spoke, what they wore, how they travelled to England and...

Remembrance Day

Year 5 completed some art work for remembrance day. First, we chose pictures that represented our thoughts and feelings. Then we cut these into strips and stuck them down with gaps. We finished by completing the spaces in the gaps with our own drawings. Here is some...
Walter Tull

Walter Tull

Last week we researched and made posters about Walter Tull, to celebrate Black History Month. We found out lots of interesting facts: he was a soldier, a footballer (he played for Tottenham Hotspur), he grew up in an orphanage and lots more. Have a look at the link...