Crossword Challenge!

Mrs R Taylor

May 22, 2024

22nd May 2024

We all love a challenge in Year One and especially one that involves spelling and crosswords! One of our Discovery Tasks during Phonics time was to spell some of our Year One tricky words by fitting them into a crossword. We had the words on cards to support us if we needed it along with some scrabble tiles and letter cubes. We used our BLP muscles of collaboration, noticing and making links to see if we could complete the task and spell the words correctly. We really had to think carefully when placing school and should into the crossword because it seemed like there were two ways we could set out the words- but we spotted the right way in the end!

It was fun to be able to complete a challenge that helped us develop our spelling and reading of these words. Our reading progress is really shining at the moment and we felt proud of our achievements in our Discovery Time.


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