Our Mission
To embrace the needs of all learners in a nurturing and enriching environment, empowering them to be the best they can be.
Vision for Learning
Through highly effective teaching and the building of successful partnerships with parents, we encourage life-long learners to flourish by equipping and enabling all pupils to make a positive contribution to society.
Curriculum Intent Statement
Perryfields Primary School believes that pupils, regardless of their social and economic background, religion, ethnicity or Special Education Need, have the right to a high-quality education. Our commitment is to ensure that pupils feel nurtured, that they understand their rights and can expect the best educational opportunities. All our school stakeholders are committed to ensure that pupils make good progress and are equipped to access the next stage of their learning.
Nurture is embedded as a core principle of the school and is evident in the school’s ethos. It is also reflected in the school values (Honesty, Kindness, Respect and Tolerance) and engagement with Building Learning Power (BLP).
Nurture is at the forefront of everything we do. It is highly evident throughout our schools SIP, our monitoring tools, such as Provision Map and Class Charts and a wide variety of nurture and inclusion provisions. It is also promoted by the school’s engagement with Place2Be and the Mental Health First Aid programme.
Our nurturing culture enables emotional and social development, which is essential for pupils to progress academically, as well as emotionally. We aim to ensure that pupils leave our school with positive values and an understanding of how these will support them throughout their lives. Nurture and school values support the curriculum to be bespoke, ambitious, relevant and inspire enthusiasm for learning.
The key drivers behind our Knowledge Rich Curriculum are Vocabulary Enrichment/Language Communication/Oracy, Personal Development and BLP. BLP enables lifelong learning and promotes the development of independent learners. Making all learning experiences rich and memorable allows for pupils to fully embed the knowledge and skills they require to reach their potential, while supporting pupil well-being and happiness. We have developed rich and varied opportunities to engage pupils in their learning, recognising individuality and building a sense of community. Our multi-faith, multi-national school community provide us with a wide variety of rich life experiences to draw upon.
Perryfields Primary School provides a highly inclusive environment where learners enjoy their education. All pupils are encouraged to achieve their potential by expanding and deepening their skills and knowledge through varied and challenging curriculum opportunities. Extended learning experiences and independent opportunities are available for those who are more able. Those who find aspects of learning challenging are given targeted support to embed core skills, develop at their own pace and learn in a style that best suits their individual needs. This approach provides pupils with opportunities to build resilience and learn without limits. Perryfields Primary School never puts a ceiling on learning; all are encouraged to show their resilience, ambition and confidence by pushing boundaries.
Perryfields Primary School’s focus on nurture extends to all stakeholders. We believe that in order for pupils to feel safe and experience success, we need a stable, happy, productive and proactive staff. Staff are supported to be their very best through continuous professional development, meaningful monitoring and appropriate challenge. The school invests in wellbeing and mental health support, and has a leadership team who are open and value all school colleagues.
Perryfields Primary School’s focus on curriculum development is carefully designed to ensure coverage and progression so that pupils develop a range of transferable skills. The focus of our curriculum is to raise aspirations, develop a sense of personal pride in achievement, provide a purpose and relevance for learning and ultimately to help every pupil to discover their strengths and interests. The school enables this by investing in its curriculum by appointing leaders of core curriculum subjects and foundation subjects, and ensuring that there is a clear focus upon curriculum development.
The school has implemented a Knowledge Rich Curriculum, which enables pupils to achieve by:
- ensuring there are clear learning outcomes for all subjects allowing for progression, challenge and reinforcement of key knowledge and skills.
- ensuring that English and mathematical skills are applied across the curriculum and cross-curricular links are relevant. They extend and deepen learning and enrich understanding.
- ensuring previous and future links are explicit, clear and relevant.
- ensuring staffing has maximum impact on good progress and learning alongside a commitment to the vision and values of the school.
- inspiring pupils to want to learn more and to enjoy learning through the development of cultural capital, enrichment activities and creative outcomes that are relevant to the pupils we teach and engage them in the learning process.
- promoting effective learning habits including Building Learning Power, and our school values.
- celebrating our school identity and diversity through the rich experiences that our curriculum provides.
- enrichment days are planned throughout the year which further enhance the pupils learning.
This is fully implemented whilst ensuring that all learning opportunities are underpinned by the school values. The schools clear intent is established, embedded and all stakeholders in the school are aware of what drives the curriculum and school experience. The intent of the school is implemented through a focused School Development Plan and impact is measured using the parameters set out within this.

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Building Learning Power (B.L.P)
Curriculum Overview
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Enrichment & Entitlement
Knowledge Rich Curriculum
Curriculum Leads
Ethnicity & EAL
Remote Learning
Building Learning Power (B.L.P)
What is BLP?
At Perryfields Primary School, we are on a journey to grow our ‘Learning Power’. In other words, we are all learning to be better learners.
Lifelong learning and the promotion and development of independent learners is a key objective for our school.
In our school, we follow Professor Guy Claxton’s work on Building Learning Power (BLP). Guy Claxton’s work suggests that there are four key learning dispositions – Resilience, Resourcefulness, Reflectiveness and Reciprocity. The four Rs of learning. Each of the four Rs is made up of a number of areas of learning which are called muscles.
At Perryfields, we teach the children all about these skills and learning muscles and how that just as we can build our physical muscles with the right kinds of exercise, we can also exercise our learning muscles to develop their strength and stamina.
We will use BLP to develop our ‘Language for Learning’ in school and this will enabled us to engage all pupils in a dialogue using a common language to support and develop our understanding of how we learn. It is our intention that the children use the language for learning to explain ways in which they achieved or approached tasks and how they can move on to the next chapter in their learning.
We hope that this information helps to make you aware of the language we use and you can use the same language to discuss and support your child’s learning.
You may have already heard these Rs in praise assemblies. Here’s a bit more information about what they mean.
The key elements of this disposition are Perseverance, Noticing, Managing Distractions and Absorption.
The children will learn how to stay locked onto their learning, the importance of never giving up and the benefits of learning when getting un-stuck.
The key elements of this are disposition Questioning, Capitalising, Making Links, Reasoning and Imagining.
The children will develop their ability to ask and answer questions, use resources around them to help them with their learning, make links between the different areas of their learning and of course, use their imaginations!
The key elements of this disposition are Planning, Meta-learning, Distilling and Revising.
The children will learn how and why they learn and will be encouraged to regularly look back on their learning to see whether they have met their targets and objectives. They will be asked to think about future targets and areas for improvement.
The key elements of this disposition are Imitation, Interdependence, Listening and Collaboration.
The children will learn how, why and when it is best to learn on their own, with a partner or within a group and develop the skills they need to be a valued member of a team and a learning community.
We hope that this information will give you an idea of Building Learning Power.
Curriculum Overview
(by Subject)
Modern Foreign Languages (M.F.L.)
Religious Education (R.E.)
(by Year)
Year 1
Year 2
Year 3
Year 4
Year 5
Year 6

Enrichment & Entitlements
At Perryfields Primary School we strongly believe that learning extends well beyond the classroom. We provide opportunities for children to undertake a range of enrichment activities, which support and enhance their learning weekly. We also ensure our pupils receive their entitlement to activities such as Swimming, Outdoor Education and Trips.
Enrichment Activities Examples
Cross stitch and weaving
20th Century Artists
Spanish Pottery

Whole School Additional Enrichments & Entitlements
Whole school visit the cinema
All of KS2 visit the Theatre
The school choir perform to a wide variety of the Perryfields community
Yearly musical extravaganza
Yearly talent shows
Years drama productions
All these & more take place here at Perryfields

Visitors in for EID, Diwali, Christmas and Chinese New Year
Visits to the Safari Park
Visit to the farm or Animal Man visits
Visit to Weston-Super-Mare or Twycross
Year 1
Gurdwara visit
Animal Man visit
Visit to RAF Cosford
Year 2
Church visit
Visit Tesco
Year 3
Visit to discuss Christianity
Visit to Warley Woods
Visit of Ice Cream van
Year 4
Visitor to discuss Islam
Orienteering day
Visit to Sandwell Country Park
Year 5
Visit to Synagogue
Visit to Library
Visitor to discuss bread-making
Host a Victorian Tea Room
Year 6
Visitor to discuss Mandir
First Aid course