Modern Foreign Languages (M.F.L)
Purpose of study
Learning a foreign language is a liberation from insularity and provides an opening to other cultures. A high-quality languages education should foster pupils’ curiosity and deepen their understanding of the world. The teaching should enable pupils to express their ideas and thoughts in another language and to understand and respond to its speakers, both in speech and in writing. It should also provide opportunities for them to communicate for practical purposes, learn new ways of thinking and read great literature in the original language. Language teaching should provide the foundation for learning further languages, equipping pupils to study and work in other countries.
Our School Vision for MFL
At Perryfields, we believe that learning new languages opens the door to a world of opportunities for our students. Our vision is to inspire a love of language-learning by providing engaging and interactive lessons that build confidence and curiosity. Learning a new language not only helps children communicate with people from different cultures but also strengthens important skills like problem solving, creativity and empathy. Children will develop a global perspective, preparing them to thrive in an increasingly connected world. Through collaborative and interactive activities, we aim to make learning a new language and exciting and rewarding experience for every child.
Key Stage Two
Pupils learn to:
Understand and respond to spoken and written language from a variety of authentic sources.
Speak with increasing confidence, fluency and spontaneity
Write at varying length, for different purposes and audiences, using the variety of grammatical structures that they have learnt.
Discover and develop an appreciation of a range of writing in the language studied.
Listen attentively to spoken language and show understanding by joining in and responding.
Explore the patterns and sounds of language through songs and rhymes and link the spelling, sound and meaning of words.
Engage in conversations; ask and answer questions; express opinions and respond to those of others.
Speak in sentences, using familiar vocabulary, phrases and basic language structures.
How we Achieve this
Preparing staff for, and helping them to implement all National Curriculum recommendations through Continual Professional Development.
Begin the children’s language journey in Year 3, where they partake in weekly lessons. These lessons will follow the ‘Language Angels’ scheme.
Building the confidence of children to have a go and recognising their contribution.
Provide opportunities to supplement lessons by introducing French in other areas of the school day for example when greeting children, taking the register, giving instructions and playing games.
Provide an appropriate balance of spoken and written language to lay the foundations for further foreign language teaching at key stage 3.
Website links to support MFL