Purpose of study:
The purpose of studying the Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) is to provide a strong educational framework for children from birth to age five, ensuring they receive a solid foundation for future learning and development. The EYFS framework emphasizes the importance of play-based learning and recognizes the critical role early experiences play in shaping a child’s social, emotional, physical, and cognitive skills.
Our School Vision for EYFS:
To support children to develop the key life skills independence; confidence; articulacy; innovation; creativity; enquiry; analysis and problem solving whilst making learning fun and encouraging a love of learning.
Pupils learn:
At Perryfields, children encounter opportunities to be creative, to be curious, to try things out and to develop their independent and confidence in a safe, fun, engaging environment. We believe that children learning best through practical, hands-on experiences and interactions with their environment and that play provides children with the opportunities to consolidate and extend skills and concepts learnt. Our curriculum involves a mixtures of child initiated and teacher led tasks. Our staff are skilled play partners, teaching the children through planning in the moment (teaching the children their next steps and reinforcing and supporting them in their learning). We provide a rich stimulating and varied environment in which our children develop their own learning, interest and play. Children have access to different provision areas and we value the importance of our outdoor environment, believing that it offers children the opportunity to develop thinking and problem solving skills. Our curriculum is loosely planned so we have the opportunity to plan children’s interests.
How we achieve this:
Key skills are introduced, developed and extended. Teacher time activities include phonics, maths, handwriting (kinetic letters), theme and story time, this covers all seven areas of learning through many different experiences and tasks. Skills are also introduced and developed during out discovery time (Child Initiated) when children can independently access our different provision areas and enhancements (investigations, role-play, reading, writing, etc.)
Additional Offer
Children experience many things for the first time and develop their skills and interests. They go on local trips through our seasonal walks and trips to the library. They participate in special events and activities such as Diwali, Eid, Chinese New Year, the Nativity Play and Easter activities.
Website links to support EYFS
Personal, Social and Emotional
Early Impact Learning
21 fun circle time games to support sharing and communication
BBC Feelings
Fun videos for children to learn and talk about feelings.
Communication and Language
Phonics play
Tiny Happy People
Simple ideas and activities to help you develop your child’s communication skills.
Words for Life
You can sign up to the Words for Life newsletter and get activities each week to help your child learn.
Simple games and stories
Fun and easy tips to help bring more singing, looking and playing into the days routines.
All children’s audiobooks are available for free while early years settings are closed.
Physical Development
Boogie Beebies
Videos that get younger children up and dancing with CBeebies presenters.
Muddy Faces
A range of health and wellbeing activities and resources that can be completed outdoors.
Cosmic Yoga
Fun interactive stories told through the means of yoga.
Dough Disco
Great, interactive dancing for children’s hands. Perfect for strengthening the muscles needed to hold a pen.
Fun activities to support physical and mental wellbeing.
Change for Life
Great activities to support physical wellbeing.
NHS Potty Training
Guidance and advice to support children who are potty training.
A range of activities, some are interactive and some are to be completed offline. Activities are categorised by age range (age 3+).
Fun maths video and games.
Top Marks
A range of interactive maths games categorised by age group (age 3+).
Understanding the World
Hungry Little Minds
Simple, fun activities for children 0-5 years old.
Bloomsbury Early Years
A great range of activities across all areas of EYFS learning.
MUZZY is a simple and fun set of animated stories featuring Muzzy and friends in a range of languages. These stories use the natural immersion method, which is modelled after the way children learn their first language.
Parent Learning Support
A Better Start
Ideas, video and support for more information about building young brains.
What to Expect When
Schemas | PACEY
Information and activities to support essential brain development in young children.
Curriculum Info