There is nothing more important right now than family. With that in mind I thought it might be appropriate to do some work around family.
Task 1 – Make a family tree – A tree has lots of branches, if a tree was a family, how big would it be if each branch was a member of your family? Display your family tree any way you want but make it interesting as trees are very fascinating objects.
Task 2 – Helping Hands – Draw around your hand/s, in each finger write the name of a person who is important to you, and who you trust and love. These can be friends, family, someone who helps you or who is special to you.
Task 3 – Recognise roles – Choose people you know, think of their names you call them, other people call them. Do you call them something different from other people? The same person can be different things to different people, your friend might be someone’s sister, a mother, a cousin, a niece and someone’s teacher. Create badges for people you know, put their actual name on it and then all the other names they are to different people.