Good afternoon year 4. Please find your home learning (If you are isolating) for the week beginning 19th October below.
VIPERS armour & weaponsPlease read the text and answer the questions on a piece of paper.
roman towns pdfPlease have a look at the information on Roman towns and create your own key for a Roman settlement.
You will need the following website to help you.
Please use the plan that you created and write your own ending for Escape from Pompeii. Remember you need to start with –
They had just left in time…
I am looking for you to –
• write a clear introduction, build up, dilemma and resolution
• write in the 3rd person and past tense
• use conjunctions to join sentences and add cohesion to my story -including and, when, but, so, because, although, meanwhile.
• include dialogue with correct punctuation
• use interesting adjectives and powerful verbs
• use adverbs and adverbial phrases
• check your work for capital letters, full stops, correct spellings and that your story makes sense to the reader.
Please don’t forget to email your work back to us at or
Thank you.
Mrs Kenth/ Mrs Haydon and Mr Harris