Good morning Year 4, Here is your home learning for Wed, Thurs and Friday.
Wednesday –
English – This week you will be writing the final diary entry for climbing Mt. Everest. Imagine you are back home after having reached the summit and climbed down. Plan what you will be writing for diary entry including emotions, thoughts, feelings, adjectives, conjunctions and past tense.
Maths –
Afternoon – Please practice you times tables clubs and email your score to
Spellings -Please correct the spellings on your worksheet.
Thursday –
English – Today you will be using your plan to complete your final diary entry. Remember what needs to be included in a diary entry.
First person, past tense, conjunctions, adjectives, emotions and thoughts.
Afternoon RE
Christians show that they are following Jesus’ teaching by the things they do in their lives for others.
Many churches will have groups and events based on Jesus’ teachings. Here are some links you can look at.
Create a WANTED ‘Jesus needs you’ poster
Include the attributes needed and examples of activities they might be required to do to show they are following Jesus. Here is an example –
Here is one you can edit or you can create your own.
Friday –
English – Today we will be editing and improving our work. Look through the diary entries you have written over the past 3 weeks. Have a read through this diary entry and correct any errors and make improvements.
Afternoon -Outdoor Challenge!
Can you have a go at making a bird feeder and placing it in your garden. It is the Big Garden Bird watch on 29th January and I would love to see how creative you can be.
Looking forward to hearing from you and seeing your work.
Mrs Kenth, Mrs Haydon & Mr Harris