Individuality 30th March 2020Mrs KenthY6 Heather, Y6 Heather, Y6 Mulberry, Year 3 Emerald, Year 3 Willow, Year 4 Ocean, Year 4 Sky, Year 5 Denim, Year 5 Sapphire, Year 6 Mulberry6 Comments
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I am missing school very much and I would like to be there with my friends.
We miss you too Aarish. Hopefully we will be back soon. Take care
myles misses his best friend chloe. he hopes to see her soon as she makes him happy
I’m sure she misses you too Myles.
Jessie misses Jashan and has been on FaceTime With her.
I love how creative you are Jessica. Well done! I’m sure Jashan misses you just as much. Mrs Kenth