This week we have been learning our 3 and 6 times tables. Today we have used arrays to help us solve some multiplication sentences. Some of us in the class have been solving sentences beyond 12x.
This week we have been learning our 3 and 6 times tables. Today we have used arrays to help us solve some multiplication sentences. Some of us in the class have been solving sentences beyond 12x.
This week we incorporated the Roman skill of mosaics into our festive activities.
Yesterday, Denim and Sapphire had a lovely day visiting Safeside at the West Midlands Fire Station. We had an important but fun-filled day, learning all about safety in different scenarios: on a bus, on a train, in an alleyway, in the car, by a canal, on ice, in the...
Congratulations to all of those children in Year 6 who made this week's leaderboard! You can work to get on the leaderboard next time