Hello year 3, I have included some work on mass and measurement for this week. Before you begin, can you have a look around your kitchen at home and see if you can find different foods that weight different amounts. Have a look on the packaging for food as this will tell you how much it weighs. I then want you to find 4/5 different things and put them in order from lightest to heaviest. Good luck. I will be posting the answers to your work towards the end of the week.
Mrs Kenth and Miss Hollis
[embeddoc url=”https://www.perryfields-pri.sandwell.sch.uk/wp-content/uploads/2020/06/Year-3-Summer-Block-4-Step-1-PPT-Measure-Mass-1.pptx” download=”all” viewer=”microsoft”]
20 Comments. Leave new
how do i answer
Hi Noah, you can write your answers on a piece of paper, take a picture and post it on the blog. Or just write your answers down on a piece of paper and I will post the answers later on during the week. You can then mark it yourself or ask a grown up to mark it. Let me know if you have any other problems. Thank you. Mrs Kenth
Jack really struggled with these. We are going to try some more tomorrow
Well done Jack for persevering. Have you tried looking through your kitchen cupboard and showing Jack different food products with different weights and having a go at ordering them? Thinking about which item is heavier? lighter? Thank you. Mrs Kenth
Yes we even got the scales out and weighed things
How about giving him a chance to estimate how much something weighs and then actually measuring it and seeing if he was right or not? Mrs Kenth
Yes ok I’ll try that tomorrow, thank you
Jack had a go at some more
Brilliant work Jack. I will be posting the answers soon so you can have a look yourself. Mrs Kenth
Kavan has a go and the maths measurement, with some support.
Sorry, this is Kavan’s work.
Some more of Kavans work
You have been busy Kavan! It’s great to see you working so hard. I will be awarding you a point on class charts. Mrs Kenth
Kavan’s work
Some more of Kavans work
Sorry this was the middle page of kavans work
Maya worked hard to complete her measuring task.
Measuring task 2
Fantastic maths work Maya. Well done! Mrs Kenth