Hello Marmalade Minions!
We would continue our topic on multiplication & division. Last week, we looked at multiplying by making arrays. We also looked at doubles/ doubling. This week, we would focus on division by sharing.
Can you show your adult the symbol for multiplication? If you wrote this ‘x’ then you are correct! To show the action for this symbol, you can cross your arms like a ‘Samurai’.
Do you know the symbol for division? It is a line with a dot on top and below just like this ‘÷’. Can you think of an action for this symbol?
Your Power Point for this week is: Year 1 PowerPoint Week 3- Multiplication & Division
Recapping previous learning- Doubles and Matching numbers to arrays.
Activity 1: WORKSHEETS-Make-equal-groups
Activity 2: The number is 20 (choose 20 objects – it could be 20 chocolate buttons or 20 raisins).
Now, share this between 2 people (you and teddy). How many does each person get? Record your answer.
Repeat for 4 and 5 people and record your answers. Discuss your findings with your adult.
Activity 3: Make equal groups- Sharing
Division by Sharing- Word Problem Cards
You can print out this game to play with your family. The cards come in different colours. Get your adult to help cut them out- GAME-Sharing objects.
Please note that for worksheets, children do not need to attempt all three levels- 1, 2 or 3 stars. You may choose the level suitable for your child or the level above if they are up for a challenge. Your child may also want to choose their own task from mild (1 star), hot (2 stars) or fiery (3 stars). Sometimes, we do this in class and we call it the ‘Chilli Challenge’.
Remember, you can now share your work in the comment section below rather than the home learning email.
10 Comments. Leave new
Aibhlinn has been working hard at grouping her numbers.
Well done! You have earned a point on class charts for working hard at grouping and sharing! Please share more of you lovely activities as we would love to see how you are getting on.
I have been working hard in maths. first mom had mini chocolate eggs to help me count but now I got buttons.
Excellent work. I am very pleased. I can also tell you are challenging yourself too. You have earned another positive on class charts!
Harrison has enjoyed sharing numbers equally into groups, getting daddys fingers involved
Well done super star! I bet you are brilliant at sharing now. A well deserved positive for you!
Charlie has enjoyed sorting diffrent objects in to diffent number groups.
Well done! I am glad you enjoyed this activity.
Maths he can eat afterwards was a big hit and Tommy enjoyed this one.
I love when I can eat the learning resources too. How lovely to see that huge smile. It made me laugh!