

Jun 24, 2024

24th June 2024

In Year 3 we have been learning how the Ancient Egyptians mummified bodies.

We learnt about the seven stages and found stage one the most gruesome.

  1. Hook up the nose, whisk around the brain and then extract via the nostrils.
  2. Open the side and extract the intestines, lungs, liver but NOT the heart.
  3. Fill the body with sawdust and linen and spices to  absorb any liquids.
  4. Place the internal organs into canopic jars.
  5. Cover the body in salt and leave.
  6. Remove the salt and bandage.
  7. Add scrolls and amulet to enhance the smooth passage to the afterlife. bandage again.
  8. Place in the sarcophagus and then into another sarcophagus and then into a coffin.

We then tried to ‘mummify’ our amazing volunteer.


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