News & Events
NSPCC World Number Day 2025
We will be holding our own NSPCC number day on Monday 10th February. This will involve a variety of maths and number activities during the day and a chance to celebrate the maths all around us children are invited to 'dress up for digits'. They may come to school...
NEWSLETTER 22nd January 2025
Dear Parents/Carers, Albeit a belated one, Happy New Year to you all and trust that you had a good Christmas break. AttendanceWk. beginning 6th January Mulberry 80.5%Wk. beginning 13th January Sky 97.4% House Points Dragon - 10,457 Phoenix - 12,023 Griffin - 10,488...
Newsletter – 15th November 24
[pdf-embedder url="" title="Newsletter No 3 - 15th Nov 24"] [pdf-embedder...
Paperless system
Many thanks to all parents that have made our switch to a paperless system a smooth one! 👏 To confirm, letters will no longer be sent from school. They will now be sent in the form of a ParentMail email. For information regarding trips/visits this will also be sent...
ASDA Cashpot For School
Many thanks to all those that have already signed up! Our total is growing each day, but we need your help to help us reach our target of £500. Please spread the word amongst your family and friends. The fundraising ends in 54 days! More info can be found by clicking...
Dogs Trust
Today, we had a visit from the Dogs Trust. We found out all about what the Dogs Trust do and how they help dogs in our area. We spoke about the dogs we have in our lives and how we look after them with care and love. We found out about dogs senses and how these differ...
An Olympian visits Perryfields!
We are delighted to be welcoming Paris 2024 Paralympic gold medallist Rebecca Redfern MBE into school on Monday 7th October. During the day, Rebecca will spend time with the children to discuss her success, as well as the challenges faced during her life and what lead...
Newsletter – 30th September 24
[pdf-embedder url="" title="Newsletter No 2 - 30th Sept 24"]
Newsletter – 13th September 24
[pdf-embedder url="" title="Newsletter No 1 - 13th Sept 24"]
Newsletter – 20th June 24
[pdf-embedder url="" title="Newsletter No 11 - 20th June 2024"]
Newsletter – 19th July 24
[pdf-embedder url="" title="Newsletter No 12 - 19th July 2024"]
New National Framework for issuing penalty notices
[pdf-embedder url="" title="Penatly Notice Information for Parents"] [pdf-embedder...
Newsletter – 20th June 2024
[pdf-embedder url="" title="Newsletter No 11 - 20th June 2024"]
Newsletter – 20th May 24
[pdf-embedder url="" title="Newsletter No 10 - 20th May 2024"]
Community Garden Project
We hope you have now seen that we are fundraising for our new community garden project to be located within the school grounds. We thought it would be beneficial to share some information around our Forest School work and the role it serves as part of our curriculum....
Newsletter – 18th April 24
[pdf-embedder url="" title="Newsletter No 9 - 18th April 2024"]
Autism Awareness information & resources for parents
[pdf-embedder url=""]
Newsletter – April 24
[pdf-embedder url="" title="Newsletter No 8 - 22nd March 2024"]
Eggscene competition
A huge well done to all pupils who entered our egg scene competition this week! Some very creative designs showcasing a huge amount of skill and attention to detail. The winners will be announced in tomorrows Praise assembly, although it is proving very difficult to...
Newsletter – March 24
[pdf-embedder url="" title="Newsletter No 7 - 7th March 2024"]
A visit from the High Sheriff!
We were delighted to welcome the High Sherrif into school this morning to take an assembly with our Year 4, 5 and 6 classes. Wade Cleone LYN CBE DL CD spoke with the children regarding his duty as High Sherrif, the appointment process and a brief history of the role....
SATs Boot Camp
Congratulations to all of those children in Year 6 who made this week's leaderboard! You can work to get on the leaderboard next time
Elmhurst Ballet
Today, Year 6 had the exciting opportunity to watch some ballet. The talented students then helped us to put together our own sequences. A huge thank you to Elmhurts Ballet!
Bewdley Museum
Year 6 had a wonderful visit to Bewdley Museum on Friday to consolidate and build on their learning about World War II. We learnt lots of new facts and were able to look at a range of artefacts. It was interesting being able to look at so many items from the time...
International Day of Peace
Thank you to all the children who completed their homework for International Day of Peace. We had some wonderful contributions and explanations of what children believe peace is and how it can be achieved across the world. Here are a few examples: Many...
We are going paperless!
In order to reduce the amount of paper usage in school, we are moving towards a completely paperless system for communicating with parents/carers. Information regarding clubs, trips, events etc will now be sent exclusively via ParentMail with no letters sent home with...
We are amazing inside and out!
As part of our first week back, we have created a portrait of oursleves showing our outward apperance as well as our interests. Have a look at some of our wonderful designs!
Plas Update – Day 4
Our last full day in North Wales has not disappointed! We have been treated to cereals and a cooked breakfast before our last big adventures! The weather was fair, but blustery, and we got to explore the wonderful landscape one last time. From eating foraged food to...
Plas Update – Day 3
Good evening! What another amazing day we have had! After breakfast, we have had another action-packed day of activities which saw us explore the best of what North Wales had to offer. We were all complimented on our attitudes and behaviours. A fair few of us really...
Plas Update – Day 2
Good evening, When is a day at Plas an extraordinary day at Plas? When it's a birthday day! Many happy returns Luke! You have had the most amazing attitude today. We are so proud of you and we really appreciate us all getting to have birthday cake for pudding today! ...
Plas Update – Day 1 – Extra
Plas Update – Day 1
Good evening all, We have made a very busy start to our Plas adventures this year. The coach was a little delayed, but we were soon patched up and on our way. We made our beds and settled in to our dormitories. We had a tour of the facilities and collected our...
Y6 – SATs Week 2024
Dear all, After another year of some controversy, SATs for Year Six are officially over. Well done to all our Year Sizxes for working so hard this week. I am sure Year Six will want to thank all the adults who supported them.
Y6 – How To Investigate a Shadow
Hello, Today Y6 investigated how we can change a shadow's appearance by adjusting a light source! We were in the dark before! Come back soon and look at how we organise out data! l
Y6 – Plas Meeting
Thank you for a great turnout. The Plas presentation and extra links can be found below: [pdf-embedder url="" title="Plas PDF"] Plas Gwynant Powerpoint for parents 2024 [pdf-embedder...
Y6 – SATS Meeting
Many thanks for a great turnout to our SATS meeting. We have saved the presentation below in case you could not make the meeting. Please contact us on Class Charts if you have any further questions. [pdf-embedder...
Y6 – Taskmaster – Science Week 2024
Hello! We had great fun in science week, where we played TASKMASTER! Which task were you quickest at? How did we convert this into a scientific investigation?
Y5 and 6 – E-Safety with PC Ware
Today we had a visit from PC Ware to update us on the latest news in e-safety and how to look after ourselves online. How informative!
Y6 – Marvellous Microbits!
Hello, Mr Harris has given us some exciting new hardware to use in ICT - The Microbits! Learn more about them here... http:// Stay tuned to see what can do with them!