NHS Hands and Teeth Talk


May 8, 2024

8th May 2024

Reception had special visitors today from the NHS who told us all about how to keep our hands clean and look after our teeth! We learned the correct process of washing our hands; how long to wash them for; when to wash our hands; and what happens if we don’t.

HANDS: The nurse explained that we cannot see germs without a microscope so we used glitter as pretend germs. She high fived us and we high fived each other… the germs spread so very quickly! We were all shocked. The only children who did not have any germs on their hands were the ones who did not high five anyone else.

TEETH: The nurse taught us how to brush our teeth properly and we had a go at brushing ‘Mr Teeth’. We learned about ‘The Rule of Two’ which is: we brush our teeth two times a day; we brush them for two minutes at a time; and we visit the dentist two times a year.

The nurses left us all with our own germ colouring sheet, a teeth care information leaflet and our very own toothbrush and toothpaste! We were all so excited. We listened so well and asked some fantastic questions.



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