Regular school attendance is essential if children are to maximise their educational opportunities and so it is very important that children attend school regularly and on time. Regular attendance at school enables children to make the best of the educational opportunities available to them.
If your child is absent from school, please contact the school office on the first day of absence to let us know the reason why.
If your child arrives late after the playground gates have closed, they will need to be brought into the main entrance of school to receive their mark (see Attendance Policy).
All parents are requested NOT to take their child out of school during term time for holidays. Holidays in term time will not be authorised and any requests for leave should be recorded on a ‘Leave of Absence Request Form’. Please include any information you feel relevant and ensure the form is completed correctly.
If your child has a medical appointment during the school day please let the office know and provide evidence of the appointment.
We will inform you of any INSET days at the beginning of each academic year. For your information, term dates are available via the calendar.
We look forward to working with you to ensure your child is ‘the best that they can be’!
Awaiting 2024 data to be published.