Celebrating Behaviour

What is Class Charts?

Class Charts is an online application that Perryfields Primary School uses for communicating with parents and monitoring its pupils in the areas of
wellbeing, behaviour (positive and negative) and attainment of the core values of Perryfields Primary School

How does it work?

When pupils receive praise in school, they are rewarded with positive points. These points accrue and pupils receive awards. At the same time, parents
are alerted in real-time to the achievements their children have made. If pupils make choices that are not appropriate and may even show unacceptable
behaviours, pupils receive negative points and possibly a lunchtime detention within 24 hours. These incidents are also reported to parents in real-time.

Does it work?

“By responding to our pupils achievements positively and immediately, they are empowered and encouraged to carry on with the good learning choices
they are making. It has been wonderful to see parents greet their children at the school doors, already praising them for the positive messages they
have been receiving through the Class Charts alert system. Class Charts allows parents and school to work together in embedding the long term
principles of successful learning and making appropriate and acceptable choices in society. Class Charts has made a significant impact in our school.”
Mr Dean Spittle, Deputy Headteacher

Download the Class Charts App here (Android)

Download the Class Charts App here (iOS)