Breakfast and After School Clubs


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Welcome to POSH Club

Our Breakfast and After School clubs are open to any pupils that attend the school with the aim of providing excellent supervised care for children outside of school hours to meet the needs of parents/carers. There is no requirement for pupils to attend every day as we aim to be as flexible as possible.

Both clubs are based in the Drama Studio at Perryfields Primary School and benefit from the facilities available.

What do children do at the club?

We aim to provide a range of activities that will appeal to the ages and preferences of the children attending. There will be opportunities every day for both indoor and outdoor play (weather permitting).

After School Club Example Menu:

Chicken/cheese/salad/tuna wraps/sandwich/crackers
Salad sticks & dips


Rice cakes

Dealing with accidents and illness:

There is always a qualified first-aider on duty.

For minor injuries:

Staff will apply first aid;
Staff will make a note on class charts;
Staff will ensure the injury is entered into the Accident Book.

In the event of a major accident:

Staff will apply first aid;
Staff will contact the Parent/Carer;
If an ambulance is needed and the Parent/Carer is not available, a member of staff will accompany the child in the ambulance;
The injury will be entered into the Accident Book.

In the event of illness:

Children should not attend if they have been ill or absent from school during the day.

If a child has developed diarrhoea, sickness or any other contagious illness during the day, they will not be admitted.

If your child is off sick or has been collected early due to illness, please inform us through the school office.

If a child becomes ill during the session, Parents/Carers will be contacted to collect the child.

Who can attend the clubs?

Any child aged between 4 and 11 in full time education at Perryfields Primary School. A waiting list is kept and admission is on a first come first served basis.

Equal Opportunities

We aim to provide an environment where children are helped to develop respect for one another, where differences are valued and all children are encouraged to take part in activities which interest them; there are no ‘boys’ or ‘girls’ only activities.

We ensure all children are welcome whatever their race, culture or nationality.

What kind of ground rules operate?

We want the children to enjoy a pleasant environment at the clubs and hope their time here will be an important part of their daily lives. In line with school policy, we expect high standards of behaviour and
the school rules will apply:

• Be kind, polite and respectful to everyone at Perryfields and the school environment.
• Treat all school equipment with care.
• Keep hands, feet and objects to yourself.
• Always walk around our school.

The following guidelines may also be helpful:

• Inform a member of staff if you need to use the toilet
• All food and drink must be consumed at a table
• The kitchen is out of bounds to children—please ask if something is needed
• Footwear must be worn
• Only staff/adults are to answer the door


All staff are DBS checked and dedicated to ensuring the best possible care for your child.

Registration and booking:

To register for a place at either club, please collect and complete a booking form. These are available from Posh Club or from the school office.

We welcome visits to our POSH Club, please contact Tracey Keeling to arrange a visit.

Occasional emergency only places can be booked through Posh Club, however we cannot guarantee availability at all times, a booking form will still need to be completed.

Signing in:

Staff will sign in your chid when they are dropped off/collected.

Fees and Payment:

Breakfast Club opens at 7.45 am and runs until 8.45 am. Year 1 and reception are then escorted to class. The current cost is £5.00, which includes breakfast.

After School Club is open between 3.20 pm and 5.55 pm. Doors close at 6pm.

Fees, which include a light snack, are:

3.20—4.30 pm £5.00
3.20—5.30 pm £7.00
3.20—6.00 pm £9.00
All fees are payable via ParentMail only.

Pick Up:

If a person who is not on the contract is to collect a child, staff need to be informed and a password will need to be set up.


All club places booked at the beginning of September (contracts are for the school year, cancellations are in writing one month in advance) and ad hoc/late bookings will be payable up to the next half term, even if they are not taken. Due to fixed staffing costs we cannot offer refunds under any circumstances, this includes illness.

Late collection:

Please collect your child on time. If you know you are going to be late, please contact us so that your child does not worry.

There is a late collection fee of £10 every 10 minutes to cover additional staff time.


Please be mindful that our school car park is very busy. If you use the car park we ask that you please park appropriately for the convenience of all other drivers. If there are no available spaces to park on site, please do not park on double yellow lines or stop in front of the building. This is a health
and safety risk as it prevents access to the site. It is also inconsiderate to others. Likewise, do not park in the disabled bays unless you are a Blue Badge holder.

Please use the school contact number and press option 5 for Posh Club between 3.20pm to 6pm.

Perryfields Primary School
Apsley Road
B68 0QY
Tel: 0121 422 2848

Visits to POSH Club are welcome, you can arrange this via the above contact details.