Restorative Practice

What is Restorative Practice?

RP is a way of dealing with conflict peacefully and fairly. It promotes a safe, caring environment where problems can be resolved successfully. It
encourages children to take responsibility for their actions and to think about how their behaviour affects others.

How does it work?

When disputes happen at school we use Restorative Words. We ask questions like…What happened ?
– What were you thinking when it happened ?
– How were you feeling ?
– How has this affected others and how did it make them feel ?
– What can you do to make things better ?
– How can we make sure this doesn’t happen again ?

Does it work?

“Yes! Children respond very positively when they feel they are being listened to and treated fairly. The children are learning to be better listeners and to
think about other people’s feelings. They are also learning, with guidance to resolve conflicts and disputes themselves.” Mrs Jinks, Inclusion Manager