School Day

The beginning of the day

The school day starts at 8.45am and finishes at 3.20pm for Key Stage One pupils (32.9 hours per week) and 3.25pm for Key Stage Two pupils (33.3 hours per week).

Morning break

Pupils in Years 1, 3 and 5 have a morning break at 10.20am until 10.35am. Pupils in Years 2, 4 and 6 have a morning break at 10.40am until 10.55am. They are allowed to eat a healthy snack during this time.


We break for lunch at 11.45am and have a staggered lunchtime. All pupils have a 50 minute break. All KS2 classes start their lunch at 12:10.

Afternoon Breaks

In the afternoon, Key Stage One pupils have playtime at 2.10pm for 10 minutes. Older pupils may have a Brain Break (a short time out of class) at a suitable point during the afternoon.

Early Years Foundation Stage

Our youngest pupils have more flexible lunch and break times.