School Uniform
All children are required to wear full school uniform, which is as follows:
- Grey pinafore dress – Green gingham dress (Summer)
- Grey skirt / Grey trousers
- Green cardigan or V-neck sweatshirt – embroidered with Perryfields logo (optional)
- White shirt with tie
- Green fleece (for outdoor use only)
- Green or grey tights/ grey or white socks
- Tie red/green
- Black sensible shoes – no trainers or boots
- Grey trousers
- White shirt with tie
- Green cardigan or V-neck jumper – embroidered with Perryfields logo (optional)
- Green fleece (for outdoor only)
- Grey or black socks
- Tie red/green
- Black sensible shoes – no trainers
- Draw string sports bag
- PE T-shirt house colours (ideally with school logo)
- Black PE shorts
- Black pumps for indoor
- Trainers for outside
- Grey or black tracksuit
- Towel/trunks (not Bermuda)/ costume (not bikini) for swimming lessons.
Any children not wearing school shoes (except for those who are medically exempt) will be asked to wear their school P.E. black pumps, if unavailable the school will provide pumps for the day. As an inclusive school we are aware that a different approach for some children is needed therefore alternative arrangements will be made. School uniform is available to order from CC UNIFORMS, West Bromwich, Clive Marks in Bearwood or Somal Fashions in Quinton. The wearing of jewellery is not allowed, with the exception of a standard watch and earrings which must be plain, small studs, for safety reasons. Even these will have to be removed for P.E.
Jewellery may be worn for religious or cultural reasons, with appropriate safety precautions. Hair extensions are inappropriate for children of a primary school age unless required for medical reasons (evidence of this will be required so school can support this). Please note that children should not wear nail varnish to school.