Transitioning to High School
The transition from primary to secondary school is a significant change for children. Here at Perryfields Primary School, we feel that it is imperative that we identify how children are feeling in order to provide them with the necessary skills to manage these feelings. We encourage children, through the use of our BLP skills, to become resourceful, resilient and reflective learners to facilitate their transition journey.
During the autumn term, all pupils are encouraged to visit a range of secondary schools prior to their application so an informed choice can be made. In the summer term, many transition activities are planned using our PSHE Jigsaw programme. These lessons enable pupils to discuss their feelings, worries and questions, regarding transition, in a safe environment. In addition to these lessons, all pupils have the opportunity to spend a number of days in the school they are transferring to so they can experience secondary school routines and lessons. Alongside this, children receive a visit from the Transition Lead from their chosen high school. As we have close links with Perryfields High School, pupils transferring there also receive additional transition lessons.
Applying for a place at high school
Transition flyer
Information about every school in Sandwell.
Sandwell council
Use the link below to find out about secondary schools in Sandwell.
Useful website regarding preparing your child for high school.