Yesterday, Year 5 dissected some plants to use our scientific skills of observing closely and asking questions effectively.
We then planted our basil and chive seeds and hopefully as they grow in class, at the end of term we can take them home!
Yesterday, Year 5 dissected some plants to use our scientific skills of observing closely and asking questions effectively.
We then planted our basil and chive seeds and hopefully as they grow in class, at the end of term we can take them home!
Today, Sapphire Class followed instructions to cut out and fold a template to make a 3D model of a Viking long ship. Although they aren't finished yet, they look really good and have been made carefully and accurately.
What a fun few weeks we've had in the run up to Christmas. Our children have been making lots of Christmas crafts, we've been covered in glitter for weeks! Santa sent us lots of Christmas books to read together and then came to visit us on party day. It was so...
Today, Year 6 had the exciting opportunity to watch some ballet. The talented students then helped us to put together our own sequences. A huge thank you to Elmhurts Ballet!