Welcome to
Perryfields Pre-School

Welcome to
Perryfields Pre-School

Our Blog
What have we been learning in pre-school?
We have been so busy in pre-school this term. We welcomed some new children and their families to pre-school. They have all settled in really well and are enjoying pre-school life. The Story Fairy has been visiting us and we have enjoyed reading The Tiger Who Came to...
Christmas in Pre-School
What a fun few weeks we've had in the run up to Christmas. Our children have been making lots of Christmas crafts, we've been covered in glitter for weeks! Santa sent us lots of Christmas books to read together and then came to visit us on party day. It was so...
The Gruffalo
The Story Fairy has sent us The Gruffalo to read together. It's been lots of fun, we have made Gruffalo paper bag hand puppets and houses for the Gruffalo out of Lego.
Pre-school fun in the snow
This week we've had lots of snowy fun outside. When it got too cold to play outside we made snow with flour!
The Story Fairy visited pre-school
The Story Fairy has been to visit us again. Last week she sent us Shark in the Park to read, we loved this story. We made our own telescopes, put our wellies on and went to the forest to hunt for sharks. We had lots of fun lying on our tummies to draw sharks on a...
Pre-school having fun outside
We spend lots of time outside with our children in our lovely Early Years garden and playground. These are just a few of the activities they have enjoyed over the last few weeks.
Spider fun in pre-school
We've had a very busy few weeks in pre-school. The Story Fairy has visited us and sent us Aaaarrgghh, Spider! by Lydia Monks to read together. We loved this story and spent the week making lots of spiders with goggly eyes and 8 pipe cleaner legs. We also made...
A special visitor 🥇
We were visited by swimmer and Paralympic gold medallist Rebecca Redfern MBE. Rebecca showed pre-school her medals and we showed her the ones we made with a lot of gold glitter. Thank you for visiting us Rebecca.
Pre-school – Dingley’s Promise Mark of Achievement
We are delighted to announce that pre-school has been awarded a Dingley's Promise Mark of Achievement for being an inclusion friendly setting. Dingley's Promise are a charity that supports children with special educational needs and disabilities. Our SENCO Clair was...
Welcome back to pre-school
We have had a very busy few weeks in pre-school. Welcoming back some children from last year and all our new children and their families to our setting. It has been great fun. We have been visited by the Story Fairy who has sent us some brilliant stories to read...
Pre-School Graduation
Last week we held our Perryfields Pre-School Graduation Ceremony. Our families were invited to join us to celebrate all our children have achieved this year. The children wore cap and gown and looked amazing. Each member of staff talked about their key children,...
Our week in pre-school
Another busy week in pre-school. The Story Fairy sent us The Three Horrid Pigs and the Friendly Wolf to read together, a twist on the traditional tale. We built houses with sticks, built with Lego and made cornflour and cocoa powder 'mud' for the pigs. It was very...
Pre-school transition sessions – Moving on up!
This term we have been running fun sessions for our families to support their child's transition into reception class. The sessions covered independence, including getting dressed. Fingers as tools, including using a knife and fork and ideas to strengthen muscles in...
Our Week in Pre-School
It has been such a busy week in pre-school. We have made the most of the sunshine and been playing outside as often as we can. We have been drawing pictures of ourselves with chalk on the paths and turned our reading shed into a rainbow reading shed. We've done...
Messy play in pre-school
We've been enjoying lots of messy play in pre-school. We mixed cornflour and water to make a gloopy mix we could mark make in. It was lots of fun getting a bit messy together.
Pre-School have chicks!
This week we are really lucky to have living eggs in pre-school. On Monday we had 10 eggs delivered and so far 3 chicks have hatched out. We have been learning how to look after the chicks and talking about how they grow. We are very excited to see if any more...
Pre-School Mud Kitchen Fun
We've had lots of messy fun in the mud kitchen this week.
Pre-School Gardeners
Last week we made the most of the sunshine and did some gardening. Pre-School have a container garden in the mud kitchen area and we have been planting lots of seeds and plants. We have sown radishes, lettuce, peas, beans, beetroot and carrots and planted...
Climbing and balancing fun!
We've had brilliant fun this week using the new climbing equipment in the Early Years play area. The children have been challenging themselves to balance, climb and jump. Well done everyone.
Our week in pre-school
The Story Fairy has visited us again this week. She sent us Zog by Julia Donaldson and Axel Scheffler. We've had brilliant fun making gold playdough, drawing dragons, practising writing our names and pretending to be doctors. We also did lots of writing and mark...
The Story Fairy has been to pre-school
The pre-school Story Fairy has visited us again! She sent us Oi Dog! and The Very Hungry Caterpillar to read together. We enjoyed drawing lots of the animals in the Oi Dog! book and made our own very hungry caterpillars by threading pasta. They were extremely...