Pupil Premium
There is a culture of high expectations for all.
There is a belief that all disadvantaged pupils are capable of overcoming their personal barriers to succeed.
Disadvantaged pupils and their families are held in high regard
Leaders, teachers and other adults understand their role within the school’s strategy
Addressing behaviour and attendance
A strong emphasis is placed on developing positive behaviours for learning.
The school responds rapidly to ensure behaviour management strategies are effective for pupils that need support.
Attendance is monitored. Strategies, where applicable, are implemented to improve absence or lateness to maximise opportunities for learning in school. Persistent absence is rigorously challenged and proactive strategies to positively engage families are pursued.
High quality teaching for all
The school places a strong emphasis on ensuring all disadvantaged pupils receive high quality teaching; responsive on- going formative assessment is essential to ensure disadvantaged pupils make strong progress.
Teachers are committed to successfully engage with the pupils who are less successful learners.
Professional development is focused on securing strong subject knowledge, questioning, feedback, ‘talk for learning’, metacognition and self-regulation. Interventions are additional to the entitlement to high quality teaching; class teachers retain accountability for pupil achievement.
Meeting individual learning needs
There is a strong understanding of the barriers to learning and how these barriers present in school.
Personalised profiles are used to ensure barriers are overcome so that pupils can benefit from enrichment, emotional well -being support and interventions that enable them to succeed in their learning across a wide range of subjects.
Learning gaps and misconceptions are identified and addressed so that pupils can secure learning domains that will enable them to catch up to meet age related expectations or increasingly work at greater depth.
Transition processes for disadvantaged pupils are carefully planned and implemented
The progress of pupils is discussed at all pupil progress meetings and at key assessment milestones. Actions are identified, implemented and regularly reviewed within each assessment phase.
Accelerated progress must lead to higher attainment within an academic year and key stages.
Clear, responsive leadership
Effectiveness of strategies are reviewed at the end of each assessment phase.
Self-evaluation is rigorous and honest.
The effectiveness of the strategy is reviewed termly and is based on internal analysis, research and best practice. Leaders apply robust quality assurance processes and clear success criteria.
Deploying staff effectively
Both teachers and support staff are deployed flexibly in response to the changing learning needs of disadvantaged pupils. Resources are targeted at pupils at risk of underachievement in terms of low and high attainment.
Pupil Premium Strategy Statement 2023-2024
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