Over the summer holidays, Miss Hill has been working hard on learning some Cantonese phrases for this month’s language! Have a look at our phrases!
Over the summer holidays, Miss Hill has been working hard on learning some Cantonese phrases for this month’s language! Have a look at our phrases!
To start the New Year off, this month's language has been Filipino! Have a look at the phrases we have been learning! Filipino Hello = Kamusta Goodbye = Paalam Thank you = Salamat po Please = pakiusap Yes = Oo No = Wala Good morning = Magandang umaga Good afternoon =...
Yesterday, Denim and Sapphire had a lovely day visiting Safeside at the West Midlands Fire Station. We had an important but fun-filled day, learning all about safety in different scenarios: on a bus, on a train, in an alleyway, in the car, by a canal, on ice, in the...
Congratulations to all of those children in Year 6 who made this week's leaderboard! You can work to get on the leaderboard next time https://www.yearsix.co.uk/sbc/sbc-login.php