Artist, builder, mathematician, you name it. This Minion is certainly a man of many talents. I thoroughly enjoyed these pictures. It is lovely that you are being creative with your learning. I can spot your building. What were you building? Tell us about it!
Your thoughtful nature is evident here, as you made a colourful rainbow for all our amazing NHS workers.
Do I spot some word building? I love a bit of phonics!
When we spoke, amongst other things, you shared that you are reading (I know you love reading), and accessing all our home learning portals including Purple Mash and Active Learn. I am very pleased and I have had a look at your tasks on Purple Mash, which you’ve earned points for.
Thank you for sharing your learning and creative journey with us and well done for being a keen and committed learner. Keep challenging yourself and have fun as you go along!
Those cup cakes look delicious by the way. Yum!