The Story Fairy has sent us The Gruffalo to read together. It’s been lots of fun, we have made Gruffalo paper bag hand puppets and houses for the Gruffalo out of Lego.
The Story Fairy has sent us The Gruffalo to read together. It’s been lots of fun, we have made Gruffalo paper bag hand puppets and houses for the Gruffalo out of Lego.
What a fun few weeks we've had in the run up to Christmas. Our children have been making lots of Christmas crafts, we've been covered in glitter for weeks! Santa sent us lots of Christmas books to read together and then came to visit us on party day. It was so...
What a fun few weeks we've had in the run up to Christmas. Our children have been making lots of Christmas crafts, we've been covered in glitter for weeks! Santa sent us lots of Christmas books to read together and then came to visit us on party day. It was so...
Today, Year 6 had the exciting opportunity to watch some ballet. The talented students then helped us to put together our own sequences. A huge thank you to Elmhurts Ballet!