Good Morning!
Today’s teams meetings: Maths 9.30am English 11.00am
Please find below the slides and resources you will need for each lesson. The Maths and English slides will be used during our Teams session but are still there for you to go back to and revise from if and when you require.
Please ensure you practise your tables every day! Use Times Table Rock Stars to help you.
Username: first 4 letters of your first name and the first 4 letters of your second name.
Password: rock
Example: Username – missclul Password – rock
You are writing scene 4 of your narrative today. Please do not send in your story scene by scene. Once you have finished writing the entire narrative (tomorrow), you will be expected to send it in then as a whole, complete piece of work. It will be easier to type up your whole story (if you can) and send it in as a word document. These final pieces of writing should cover at least two pages of A4.
Please ensure that you read every day for at least 15 minutes (independently and/or to a family member).
Read pages 22 – 23 (The Story of the Amulet) in your CGP books and complete question set 1 (pages 24 – 25).
The answers are in the back of the book so you can self-assess to see if there are any answers you need to revise. Please don’t look at the answers before you complete the questions as you won’t learn this way.
Continue practising your ‘i before e’ words. See the list below:
Word list:
Word document:
Stay safe, have fun and work hard!
The Year 6 Team x