Good morning!
We hope you enjoyed your learning tasks set for Monday and are ready for another day.
Today you are continuing with your symmetry learning with Mrs Houghton. We really enjoyed learning about lines of symmetry in school and are sure you enjoyed it at home too
.9.2.21 lines of symmetry Fiery
9.2.21 vertical line of symmetry Ppt
English today is looking at writing in Second person. We need to know how to do this ready for when you write your own recipe next week. Writing in second person means we are writing and talking to the audience. You need to sort these sentences into two groups- those that are written in Second Person and those that are not.
We hope you’re ready to go on an adventure because your Theme lesson this afternoon is looking at an important historical event. Hernando Cortes was a Spanish explorer who brought the idea of hot chocolate to Europe. There is NO live Theme lesson this week so we have included a Presentation for you to read through. We would then like you to write a letter home as if you were Cortes and there are guides here to help. The fiery challenge is to write your own letter without using a writing frame.
Theme Tuesday 9th February 2021
Thank you again for all of your hard work, we miss you all lots but will see you again soon.
Love from Mrs Taylor and Mrs Houghton