Week commencing: 11.5.20
Dear Heather and Mulberry,
Hi everybody, we hope you and your families are keeping well. This week would be SATs week!!
Well done to all those who are regularly completing activities on Purple Mash, Active Learn, Sumdog, mymaths and Flash Academy. If you can’t remember or you have lost any of your login details, ring the school office and they will be able to help you. We have set lots 2Dos on Purple Mash that you can choose from – maths, English, science, geography, history, computing. Thank you to all those children who have completed activities from the Home Learning Blog and sent photos to homelearning@perryfields-pri.sandwell.sch.uk . It’s lovely to see your work.
Your task this week, in addition to your online activities and CGP books, is to write the biography of somebody who inspires you. It could be about somebody famous and well known such as your favourite author or sports personality. It could be about an influential person in history or a scientist. Sometimes the best biographies are about a family member. Nans and grandads always have something interesting to recount but remember the rules regarding social distancing. Perhaps an opportunity to have a telephone conversation. You will need to find out relevant information by conducting research or asking questions in an interview.
Write a detailed and engaging biography. Organise your biography into separate paragraphs and include images and quotes. Don’t be tempted to copy chunks of information from the internet. Read the information carefully and put it into your own words – you could create a PowerPoint presentation, a poster, a booklet, a cartoon strip. It’s up to you how you present the information. Have fun!!
Keep safe, keep smiling and keep working hard.
Love from the Year 6 team
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I have made a biography about Zendaya. /storage/emulated/0/Download/Document (2).docx