A huge welcome to Year 2, we hope you had a fantastic summer break and looking forward to our new school year.
PE lessons will take place every Monday and Tuesday. Please can children come into school in their full school uniform and bring their kit in a suitable bag as they will get changed for PE at the start of the lesson.
Reading and Times Tables
Please continue to support your children with their reading at home as we will be issuing books shortly. We also ask you to encourage your child to practise counting in 1s, 2s, 5s and 10s as we begin to learn our times table facts.
Homework and Spellings
Homework will be set weekly and usually sent home on a Friday and due the following week on the Wednesday (unless specified). Spellings will be sent home and tested weekly.
Class Charts and Blog
We shall use Announcements on Class Charts to send out any information so please check regularly and keep up to date with children’s achievements (positives). We shall also update our blog every few weeks to show what we have been learning. Let us know if you have any issues accessing these.
We thank you for your support and look forward to a fantastic year in Year 2.
Mrs Taylor, Mrs Houghton, Mrs Zaib and Miss Wootton