Hello to everyone in Willow and Emerald Class!
You have all settled in so well to your new classes and we are so glad to be back at school learning. Everyone has made a super start to the year and we know that you are going to impress us with your positive attitude.
Our Theme this half term is The Stone Age and we are looking forward to finding out lots of information. Our book this week is called Cave Baby which we have all enjoyed and we have learnt to write in the first person. We have put the Stone Age onto a timeline and learnt lots of new vocabulary.
In Maths, we have continued our work with Place Value and putting numbers onto a blank numberline. We have also completed our first tables clubs and spelling tests so well done if you got everything correct. Keep on practising at home!
In Science this week we have learnt about the diet of animals and last week we completed work on the different types of food.
We have also begun to learn French and today we learnt how to sketch different fruits to make them look realistic. We hope you can see how pleased we are with our drawings.