Hello Marmalade Minions!
Hope you all had a great weekend and are keeping safe.
I have started keeping a journal; a diary of some sort, where I record or enter exciting events or my daily activities. I enjoy writing as it helps me focus and direct my thoughts. It also allows me explore my creativity and broaden my vocabulary.
So this week, I challenge us to be writers! 😁
I would like us to start keeping a journal; more like your learning journeys in Reception. You can draw, write or paint all the wonderful things you get up to each day and we can all share this when we get back to school.
Never mind not having a dairy, note pad or scrap book. All you need is a collection of scrap paper or make it electronic to enhance your computing skills!
This weekend, I had a lovely time making bread with Mr O. I have written this in my journal and I will share some pictures with you.
Keep being safe, keep writing and have a lovely week!
Remember, we are a herd and we look out for each other.