Y6 – SATS Meeting

Philip Billings

Mar 16, 2024

16th March 2024

Many thanks for a great turnout to our SATS meeting.
We have saved the presentation below in case you could not make the meeting. Please contact us on Class Charts if you have any further questions.
 [pdf-embedder url=”https://www.perryfields-pri.sandwell.sch.uk/wp-content/uploads/2024/03/SATS-Meeting-PDF-24.pdf” title=”SATS Meeting PDF 24″]
Key questions:
What if my child is absent?
We ask that you try your best to avoid booking holidays in this time. Children can sit the tests at a later date within a short window, but are expected to be isolated from their peers so their cannot gain any benefit from other children sharing information from the tests.
How will school support my child?
We understand that exam stress can affect children differently. We monitor the children closely and feed back to parents any issues we may need support with. The children have trialled taking past papers and are supported through this process. Children with additional needs may be entitled to additional support. This may come in the form of extra time, a scribe, or working in smaller groups to support their focus.
Will there be a breakfast club?
There will be a breakfast club for children who may benefit from coming into school early. We encourage this, as we can support the children in being as ready as possible for the tests. This will take place in the hall. Children will be able to come through the office and come straight down to the hall from 8:15am.
How can I support my child?
Past SATs papers can be found in the public domain. Simply search ‘KS2 SATs papers’ and a wealth of resources can be found. Please keep reading and supporting your child to do so regularly. Other supporting sites can be found at:
Read theory: a free sign up where children can practice comprehension skills at their own level.


Maths 3 in 1 booster: where children can select past SATs questions, which have been organised into topics.

Maths 3-in-1 SATs Booster

Maths Key Facts Booklet: The booklet below is a thorough guide to all the maths facts Year Six children are expected to remember!
[pdf-embedder url=”https://www.perryfields-pri.sandwell.sch.uk/wp-content/uploads/2024/03/Year-6-SATs-Maths-Revision-booklet.pdf” title=”Year 6 SATs Maths Revision booklet”]


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