Hello Year 2,
We hope you have enjoyed your half term holiday in the sunshine! What lovely weather we’ve had!
Ahoy, me hearties! This week, we have a pirate theme going on and we are uploading some activities which you can either print and complete or view on screen and complete on paper.
- Choose one of the comprehension activities to complete.
- Look at the pirate treasure map and answer the questions about the grid references.
- Choose one or more of the Pirate Science activities to complete.
If you want to stick to the pirate theme, you could do some research about famous pirates from history, or try these fun pirate activities from the BBC.
Have fun and don’t forget to share your learning below or on the home learning email address: homelearning@perryfields-pri.sandwell.sch.uk
Love from Mrs Houghton and Mrs Taylor.
Pirate comprehension 1Pirate comprehension 2
Pirate comprehension 3
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We started our pirate theme today! We had a visit from a pirate who told us the story of Captain Blackbeard! Then we watched a YouTube video about him as well! We’ve done some pirate dot to dot and a comprehension! Tomorrow is pirate co-ordinates and making a treasure chest from an egg box!
This is amazing!
Jack, I bet you’re enjoying all your pirate learning after such a great start!
Thank you Mum for all your support and hard work,
from Mrs Houghton